Saturday, March 29, 2008

OR trip (eye examine under anesthesia)

Yesterday was a very long day after the hospital. It all began the day before on Oahu with the trip to Sam's eye doctor. It was for a physical which he passed and to pick up his new eyeglasses.
The next morning at 7:00 AM we arrived for his check-in at the Moanalua Hospital.

Sam was sedated very early for his glaucoma eye examine . We waited nervously for over an hour.
Finally the doctor came out of surgery with a bit of smile on his face. It seems that Sam's eye examine had gone well. His glaucoma level has dropped down from 21-20 to 10-9, a true miracle with no surgery required. More than anything the doctor says, is his severe case of near-sightedness, but wearing glasses can improve this.

Finally Sam was taken to a pediatric ambulatory center for 4 blood tests. This long awaited tests are to check how his adrenally glands are naturally providing his own hormone levels. He was born with a low level so we have been giving him hydrocortisone 4 times a day every 6 hours to help his body boost the productions of his own hormones. Test result won't be ready for 2-4 weeks. Some will give an update later.

Here are some pictures that we took on this trip

Took a walk at Waikiki Beach, one day before the hospital

At our hotel room

After the OR
When the nurse took off the IV (above)

With Dr.Baum, glaucoma specialist (above)

With Dr.Tabata, Anesthesia doctor (above)

The Nurse took Sam to the OR

Daddy gave a hug before the OR

1 comment:

23 weekers said...

Great news! I'm so happy to hear things went well. What a lucky guy. I love the pictures. He's getting so big.
