Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yesterday was my birthday (Jan 29), we just stayed home and took care of baby Sam. I had a great time with him though, i made him laugh & laugh, oh that was so joyful.

And whew it was a busy day on Monday, Jan 28th. We had to fly to Oahu for sam's doctor appointments. 2 Appointments at the hospital and 1 at eye's clinic. Most of Sam's specialist docs are on Oahu (neighbor island).

At the hospital he had x-ray for a swallow study & met his nutritionist. The swallow study result was good, sam can be off of the thickener for his milk, eventhough he will get less volume of milk if without the thickener. The thickener called "SIMPLY THICK", it's a gel (nectar). They said it's up to me if I want to continue the thickener or not. There is no side effect for that, just the matter of getting older then he can drink thin liquid without any problem.

The eye exam with his ROP doc. Doc said his eyes look very good unless we have to watch out for his glaucoma. This part is a long term. 2 glaucoma eye drops for treatment.
His retina in the right eye is totally attached, the surgery in Beaumont Hospital, MI was successful.
He mentioned that Sam was the worst case he ever handled since he moved to Hawaii but he was very pleased with the result from Beaumont surgery.

We just wait and see what's next, especially his glaucoma problem. He will have another glaucoma check under anesthesia sometimes in March. Please pray that he will not need another surgery, i can deal with eye drops for a long time. Hopefully just eye drops are enough.

Thank you & have a wonderful day.
Yani Shaffer


23 weekers said...

So happy to hear that his eye appt went well. I'll pray that his eyes continue to do well.


abby said...

Happy belated birthday!

Sam looks wonderful! I wouldn't worry too much about his weight slowing down---as long as he's gaining well, and he does seem to be...

Hallie's weight tapered off around 11 months corrected because of all of her cow dairy issues. It's really been the transition to the goat milk that has let her absorb more nutrients and grow so well.