Monday, December 24, 2007

Sam's medications & supplements

* Hydrocortizon 0.2ml every 6 hours. The blood test results on next week and see if he still needs it or not.

* 2 Glaucoma eye drops, 1 drop each eye & twice a day.

* Iron drop in the morning, 0.4ml, mix with the milk

* Multivitamine drop, 0.5ml, mix with the milk every morning.

* "Simply Thick" nectar, for thickened his milk.

* 24 Cal Enfa-Care.


abby said...

Congratulations of Sammy's birth and progress and my condolences for your loss of Hadi.

I just found your blog through Kinnick and Carvers' blog---I have a 23 weeker and surviving twin daughter who is now 18 months old. If you click through to my page, please note that there's a great micropreemie moms group listed in the links section---they are a wonderful bunch and full of tons of info and support for you.



24weeker's Mama said...

Aloha Abby, thanks for stopping by. I am glad to know some preemie parents out there. I hope you dont mind if i add you as my preemie friends here.

Take care,

23 weekers said...

I can't believe how big Sam is getting. And still no hair. He's soooo cute!

Thanks for all of your prayers. I'm heading back to Detroit Tuesday. I'm praying all goes well.
